The story of how the Purple Rain movie came about is a fascinating look into the ambition and drive exhibited by Prince and would be integral to propelling him forward into pop superstardom.
Housequake Merchandise
Does anybody know about the quake?
June 7th is obviously an important date in the Prince calendar, but this year it also marks a significant milestone in Housequake history - it will be 25 years to the day that the Housequake fansite was born.
The Truth?
Prince once said “Everything U think is true”, but gazing down from his guitar-shaped cloud, I imagine he might be irked by the way some former confidants have taken that bit of princely pontification, and well and truly run with it.
Duane Tudahl Interview
The Crown Jewel of Emancipation
Emancipation's Crown Jewel: The musical and artistic achievement of ‘Joint 2 Joint’ is unparalleled when compared to the album’s other thirty-five cuts. The track lies at the heart of the album’s second disc and is the album’s unsung masterpiece...
Prince’s Musical Mt. Rushmore
Music flowed through Prince at all hours. He set aside an untold number of finished songs and albums in his Paisley Park vault. But only a select few are legendary enough to grace the four coveted spots on this imaginary Mount Rushmore...
5 Years Without Prince
Today is the 5th anniversary of Prince’s untimely passing, and we've asked you how you’ve dealt with the loss, your opinion of the music that’s been released since, and what you hope to see happen in the future...
Famous People Who’ve Met Me
In Owen Husney’s memoir, Famous People Who’ve Met Me (2018), all roads lead to Prince. While, given the remit of this website, it may be tempting to consider Husney’s volume of recollections solely through the lens of his relationship to Prince...