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Mark Montgomery French

I, San Francisco-native Mark Montgomery French, am an award-winning film composer with the group Spiky Blimp, an award-winning Creative Director with 20+ years of presentation experience, and a music culture writer noted for Uppity Music — Your Guide to Unsung Black Departure Albums, the series 28 Days, 28 Black Music Documentaries., and the music talk All Your Favorite Music is (Probably) Black. I was formerly the co-leader of the ’90s progressive funk band Endangered Species.

Celebrate Prince’s Birthday With 24 Rare Covers

Celebrate Prince’s Birthday With 24 Rare Covers-Housequake
Here are 24 rare Prince covers for your listening pleasure on June 7, Prince’s birthday.

Prince songs are beloved by musicians of every stripe. Jam bands and jazz heads, country acts and chamber orchestras, neo-soul singers and new age slingers, all have been inspired to perform his “easy-to-play-yet-difficult-to-improve-upon” tunes for the sheer joy of it.

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