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Kevin Casini

Attorney • Entertainment Law Professor • Consultant • Speaker • Dad²

Prince: Godfather of the Parental Advisory Sticker

Prince: Godfather of the Parental Advisory Sticker 1
In the mid-1980s, the music industry was shaken to its core by a wave of controversy ignited by the explicit lyrics of a Prince song.

In the mid-1980s, the music industry was shaken to its core by a wave of controversy ignited by the explicit lyrics of a song that would forever alter the landscape of artistic expression. That song was “Darling Nikki,” the track from the groundbreaking album Purple Rain by Prince...

Prince, Warner, and Control

Prince, Warner, and Control-Housequake
"If you don’t own your masters, your master owns you.” — Prince

There is a long sordid history in the music industry of young, black artists being taken advantage of by leveraged, corporate record labels that spot talent, and make the rules. A look back at how Prince fought the battle on his own turf, and won.

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